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What is Bio Fuel ? Part 4 Storage and Supply

What are the implications of using bio-liquids in existing oil storage and supply systems

Findings from the heating oil project have shown that, subject to the use of bio-liquid compatible filters and fire valves, no other modifications...

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What is Bio-Fuel ? – Part 1 The Science Bit

The introduction of bio-liquids into the home heating and cooking markets creates opportunities for a cleaner, sustainable future for the liquid fuelled industry. What is Bio-Liquid Bio- liquid suitable for use in the home heating market are commonly...

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Protecting your heating oil from theft

 Heating Oil Storage Tank Security

Protect your oil tank Protect your oil tank with the following crime prevention advice offered by Norfolk Police: · Position your oil tank to allow maximum view from your property –...

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Guide to Domestic Oil Supply Pipes

Domestic Oil Supply Pipes

This guide applies to pipe work systems supplying kerosene to oil fired equipment under 45kW output serving single family dwellings.

Oil Supply Systems

There are two types of oil feed systems;...

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Guide to Domestic Oil Storage

Domestic Oil Storage

This guide applies to oil storage tanks up to 3500 litres capacity supplying oil to single family dwellings for heating and cooking purposes. Depending on where you live, regulations may vary slightly. The...