Chimney and Flue Draught Stabilisers Explained….
Draught Stabilisers
In almost all heating installations, the draught created in the chimney is greater than that required by the boiler flue. The draught can...De-aeration and its Advantages
Why does gas build up in the oil line?
Gas will automatically be released from the oil when pressure in the oil line falls below the atmospheric pressure resulting in a vacuum (negative pressure). The quality, temperature...Oil De-aeration – Air in your Oil Heating Line
Oil heating problems:
Gas/air in oil
When oil is drawn up from the oil tank to the burner large amounts of gas bubbles can be released from the oil. These gas bubbles are released when there is a...Oil Heating the Most Environmentally Friendly……..
Oil Heat ... Efficient!
Heating and hot water system efficiency is a measure of the amount of usable heat extracted from the potential energy of the fuel. For example, if your heating system is evaluated at 85%...Atkinson Filter Valve Fitting Instructions
The Atkinson Filter valve is supplied for connecting to 10mm dia oil line. See Note 4 below if other pipe sizes are to be fitted. THE TANK SHOULD BE INSTALLED WITH AT LEAST 30CM (ONE FOOT) CLEARANCE...
Benefits of keeping your oil fired heating system serviced
Making sure your oil fired boiler and heating system is kept serviced regularly will keep it at its most efficient. This will help save money on unexpected breakdowns, plumber call out charges and of course, reduces...
Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI)
Success for Biofuels research project
The Oil Firing Technical Association, ICOM Energy Association (ICOM), the University of East Anglia and others have successfully trialled a new blended heating oil which combines a bio-fuel with kerosene or gas...Adblue®? What is it?
U EMISSIONS All commercial vehicle manufacturers have to meet European Union diesel engine emissions legislation, known as Euro 4, which became effective on 1st October 2006. Diesel engine emissions have progressively reduced since the introduction of Euro 1...
5 Tips to Save on Heating Oil this Winter
Winter is fast approaching and many home heating oil users will need to be prepared for the cold months ahead. Given the current economic situation, many homeowners and tenants are fearful of how they are going...